BitWeen is a series of interactive game installation inspired by the classic pong game. In our different versions we take a more experience based approach. LightPong The LightPong is activated by light and drives a ball of lights on a parabolic trajectory. As you go on the speed of the ball increases. Here is the …
From exhibition

BoomBox is an accumulative musical instrument. Users are invited to put together an electric drumstick made of an electromagnet and a hammer and a drum made of PVC pipe and a lid. After users finish building their drum stick they can add it to the BoomBox and add their beat to …
BrainMatters is a creative platform for interactive projects that make use of Brain Computer Interface (BCI). BrainMatters was first launched during BrainTech conference 2013. MUSES – a BrainMachine interface exhibition The six muses are a link between a variety of creativities and inspirations. BrainMatters returns to connect fields of creativity which have sadly grown apart …
DeusExMachina is an installation that exhibits an alternative. An alternative economic structure and an alternative form of entertainment. The destruction vending machine is selling an experience, users sacrifice a personal object in order to experience the exhilarating sensation of observing their belongings being broken to pieces by a falling metal wrecking ball. A world in …
SolidSilhouette is an art installation inviting the audience to take part in a collective sculpture made of Silhouettes. People can come up to the SolidSilhouette station capture their image and instantly transform it into a laser cut Silhouette. after they are rewarded with their own cut out Silhouette they are invited to add it to …
SiteSpecific is a new kind of app that takes you out of the smart-phones screen and into the reality that surrounds you. Site specific is an app That lets you activate interactions in the reality that surrounds you. Visitors could download the application, put their smart-phones back in their pockets and move about the festival …